Mike Shreve has been teaching God's Word since 1971, in the United States and fourteen other nations. He is a revivalist; his passion is to see true spiritual awakenings in the churches and conferences where he ministers the Word of God.
A prolific writer, he has authored 15 books, including three #1 best-sellers on Amazon: 65 Promises from God for Your Child, Powerful Prayers for Supernatural Results, and 25 Powerful Promises from God.
Mike Shreve’s primary message to the body of Christ involves the revelation of our spiritual identity by discovering our God-given, biblical names and titles. It is the basis of one of the books he has written titled, WHO AM I? Dynamic Declarations of Who You Are in Christ.
Healings, the miraculous, and the prophetic are always an emphasis in the worship gatherings—a full expectation that “with God, all things are possible.”
Mike Shreve’s primary offering for seekers outside Christianity is a book titled, In Search of the True Light, a comparison of over 20 religions. You may also download a free e-book of his conversion testimony from eastern religions to Christianity that happened in 1970. It is titled The Highest Adventure: Encountering God and is available on his comparative religion website: www.thetruelight.net.
Two podcasts are published weekly (both audio and video): “Discover Your Spiritual Identity” (studies on the names and titles of the children of God) and “Revealing the True Light” (studies on comparative religion subjects).
Mike and his wife, Elizabeth, pastor locally in Cleveland, Tennessee, travel evangelistically, and also run a publishing company called Deeper Revelation Books: www.deeperrevelationbooks.org. Their passion is to see an authentic, New Testament spiritual awakening in our generation. Their daughter, Destiny Hope, works with them in the ministry.
Ministry website: www.shreveministries.org
Comparative religion website: www.thetruelight.net
Publishing website: www.deeperrevelationbooks.org
YouTube channel: www.YouTube.com/mikeshreveministries