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"Beloved, now we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as his is.”  I John 3:2


The Apostle John says, “NOW” … today… “are the sons of God.” (Emphasis supplied.)  Maybe you do not feel like a good son.  Perhaps you do not think you measure up to that relationship.  Study the SPIRITUAL truth contained in this Scripture.

“…we know that, WHEN HE SHALL APPEAR, we shall be like him; for we shall see Him…” (and not ourselves). (Emphasis supplied.)

Whenever God APPEARS to you in and through praise and worship, Scripture or prayer, you will see a little of HIM and a little of YOURSELF through HIM.  When you enter the presence of GOD, you see Him instead of YOURSELF, your failures, and your deficiencies.  Do you see why it is so important for you to enter His presence and experience His APPEARANCE?

Get alone with God today.  Enter His presence.  Experience His appearance.  See yourself as a child of God, and let the hope of literally seeing Him face to face cause you to want to purify yourself,  “even as he is pure,” in preparation for that day.  (See I John 3:4)

Pray: “Pure and holy Father, manifest Yourself to me today.  Cover my failures and deficiencies with Your Son face to face and be like Him.  Purify my heart by Your Spirit so that I will be ready. Amen.”