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“Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God.” Psalm 146:5

What is it that would really make you happy?

“I’d be happy if it weren’t for my marriage!”

“I’d be happy if this sickness were just gone!”

“I’d be happy if we just had a new home!”

“If he would just ask me to marry him, I’d be the happiest woman alive!”

To most people, happiness depends upon favorable circumstances. Unfortunately, circumstances change like the weather…sunny one day and rainy the next.

Real happiness is NOT an elusive dream. For the Christian, happiness is disguised in the Word of God under the term “blessed,” taken from the Greek word “markarios.” It means “having a sense of God’s approval.” TRUE HAPPINESS, then, is the blessing that comes from a right relationship with God.

It is true that in the midst of adverse circumstances a Christian, whose heart is pure, will be “blessed” with peace…a contentment, a quietness, a confidence…TRUE HAPPINESS!

PRAY: “Heavenly Father, I am truly blessed today. I have learned Your kingdom is ‘righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.’* Thank You. Help me to never forget it in ALL my circumstances. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”

*Romans 14:17b