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“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.” Song of Solomon 2:4

Today it is important to get under the canopy of God’s…

1) LORDSHIP – Make Him Lord of your life . . . your Number One priority. The rich young ruler in Matthew 19:22 went away from Jesus in sorrow because “he had great possessions” and could not put God ahead of his earthly possessions.

2) WORSHIP – This is the action that brings you under His canopy of love. The Canaanite woman, in Matthew 15:25, moved the heart of Jesus through her worship, “And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.” (Verse 28) Worship activates God’s love.

3) OBEDIENCE – At the heart of your relationship with Father God is your obedience. It is more important than sacrifice. (See II Samuel 15:22.) WHY? Because God knows that HIS ways are best and, if you will simply obey, you will come under the canopy of His blessing and provision.

4) THANKSGIVING – Giving thanks to God, even ahead of the answer, pleases Him, because it demonstrates your faith. When Jonah began to pray with a “voice of thanksgiving” (Jonah 2:9), God caused the great fish to vomit him out onto dry land.

PRAY: “Gracious Lord, You are my Savior and Master. I worship You with a thankful heart and pledge my obedience to Your Word. Let me abide under Your canopy of love forever.  In Jesus’ Name, amen.”