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“By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.”  Hebrews 11:24-25

Leaders have a plan and MAKE things happen. Leadership is an ACTIVITY, not merely a POSITION. It requires DOING something. You can learn some lessons in leadership from the life of Moses:

1)  MAKE A “GROWN-UP” DECISION. Moses was forty years old when he began to sense responsibility for the injustices and bondages of his people. He made a “grown-up” decision to do something about it. (See Exodus 2:11-14.)

2)  ALLOW TIME FOR PREPARATION. Growing up in Pharaoh’s court, Moses had learned reading, writing, warfare strategy, and governing skills, but God took him to the desert for an additional forty years of testing in preparation for ministry. (See Exodus 2:15-24.)

3)  TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES. A burning-bush experience will often mark the end of testing and the beginning of step-by-step instructions. Removing your shoes speaks of servanthood and submission to the Master’s plan. (See Exodus 3.)

4)  LOOK FOR AN AARON. A partner can hold you up in prayer. (See Exodus 4:10-16.) Jesus sent the disciples out by twos, as recorded in Luke 10:1.

PRAY: “Lord, prepare me for the leadership call upon my life. I will be attentive to Your training process. Amen.”