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“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.”  John 14:16

Jesus said He would send another Comforter, speaking of the Holy Spirit, who would come to mankind after Jesus went back to heaven. The Greek word for “comforter” is “parakietos,” meaning “one called to the side of another for help or counsel.”

The Holy Spirit is your Comforter, your Counselor, the very expression of God to man here on earth. However, God has comforted you so that you may comfort others. Read about that again in II Corinthians 1:3-4. He has called you to be a “parakietos” to others with needs around you. Through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, you also are the expression of God here on earth. The English language derivative is “paraclete.”

You are a “paraclete,” a person full of the Holy Spirit, and called to the side of the hurting, the helpless, the hungry, the habitual, and the hardhearted.

As a “paraclete,” “paired up” with other “paracletes” and the Holy Spirit, a strong “threefold cord” is created that is not quickly broken. (Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.)

PRAY: “Father, thank You for the Comforter who dwells in me to give me all the help I need to be one of Your ‘paracletes’ in this present age. Today I depend on Your Presence, and I worship You. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”