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“There is therefore now no condemnation to those which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Romans 8:1

If you are a Christian who has put your faith in Christ for salvation, you have a right to feel cleansed, pure, clean, righteous! The goal of the Gospel is GUILTLESSNESS… free from condemnation. Remember, you have already confessed your sin and you are putting your trust in God for salvation. God has forgiven you!

Now FORGIVE YOURSELF! Get rid of your “sin complex” and your preoccupation with the sins of others and believe that His grace is sufficient.

The devil’s agenda is to keep you in a general sense of unworthiness, with a focus on SIN rather than FORGIVENESS… on your PROBLEMS rather than SOLUTIONS. He wants to keep you guilt-laden and discouraged, feeling like a failure… focused on YOURSELF.

Accept God’s forgiveness today… FOCUS ON HIM and His righteousness in you.

PRAY: “Gracious Lord, my life is hid in You. You are my righteousness and I will no longer be ashamed. Thank You for Your garment of salvation.*  Amen.”

*Isaiah 61:10 (paraphrased)