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“And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.” Matthew 14:14

In both the above Scripture and Mark 6:34, Jesus saw the multitudes of people and was moved with compassion TOWARD them. At the beginning of and throughout this new year, focus on who you are in Christ and look for opportunities to move toward people with a demonstration of God’s love.

Giving a gift to someone who least expects it; inviting one for dinner who is alone; making a special effort to verbalize your sincere appreciation for someone; taking time to write a letter to or visit a shut-in; baking some cookies for your new neighbors; complimenting the clerks checking out or bagging your groceries…these are but a few of the ways you can move toward people this year.

In a nation characterized by self-achievement and independence, the recent holiday season often leaves people depressed. Make an effort to SEE people as Jesus does…through eyes of COMPASSION…moving TOWARD them with words and deeds of love and kindness.

PRAY: “Compassionate Father, fill me TODAY with Your love and compassion so that I will have something to share with others. Cause those persons to cross my path whom You wish to bless. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”