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“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” Romans 12:18

There is one word found throughout the Christmas story…in prophecies, at Jesus’ birth, and throughout His ministry…in which everyone is interested. It is so important that God put it in the Bible some four hundred times. What is it? PEACE!

“PEACE” comes from a root word which means “to bind together.” When people are in conflict with one another, there is separation. After they reconcile, they come together in peace and  enjoy a sense of oneness. In Mark 9:50b, Jesus told His disciples to “have peace one with another.” When He appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, His greeting was, “Peace be unto you.” (John 20:19)

In a national survey, it was discovered that loneliness is the Number One need. There is no way to experience peace when you feel lonely, hopeless, purposeless, and empty. Only God can fill the void caused by these desperate needs. He can be your closest partner and friend. Your relationship with God can bring you a peace that passes all human understanding. With that kind of peace, no circumstance can alter your inner sense of quietness. God will sustain your spirit. Let PEACE begin with your decision to team up with God and His plan and purpose for your life.

PRAY: “Loving Father, You are the only one who can bring lasting PEACE to my soul. I desire to be in unity with Your plan for me today. Amen.”