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“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16

The ministry of intercessory prayer is the purest ministry available to the body of Christ. The success of any church or ministry is based on intercessory prayer. As righteous men and women pray effectually and fervently, much power is released.

For the intercessor, both the costs and the rewards are high. The cost of total commitment… keeping one’s heart and motives pure and submitting time, talent, and energy toward interceding on others’ behalf. The reward…a close and personal relationship with the Lord.

You can actually sin against God by NOT PRAYING for others! (See I Samuel 12:23.) Pray for each other’s safety, health (spirit, soul, and body), and testimony. Your prayers can CONFUSE and NULLIFY the enemy’s assignment against your family and friends.

If your church does not open its doors for early morning prayer, ask your pastor to begin doing so and then attend regularly. Gathering together to call on God is not a religious duty but an exciting privilege!

PRAY: “Father, incline Your ear to me and hear my cries on behalf of others. Send Your Holy Spirit to draw them to Yourself, and heal them. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”