“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God…” I John 3:1a
Even in the midst of a WILDERNESS experience…even with GIANTS in the land…God wants you to be an overcomer NOW! The kingdom of God is a PRESENT reality, a life-style of righteousness, peace, and joy…even in the midst of the problem!
How do you experience that? By recognizing WHO you are and by changing your THINKING! For example, Jonathan and his armourbearer stood against tens of thousands of well-armed Philistines and saw God give the victory. He proclaimed: “Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” (I Samuel 14:6c, NIV)
Daniel went THROUGH the lion’s den. David went THROUGH the lion, the bear, and the giant. Paul and Silas went THROUGH the beating and jailing. God took Israel THROUGH the Red Sea. The Hebrew boys went THROUGH the fiery furnace. Even Jesus went THROUGH the wilderness experience.
It is time to stop thinking like MEN and start thinking like SONS OF GOD. The way you THINK will determine what you SAY and DO…which will ultimately determine what you ARE!
PRAY: “Father, thank You for the privilege of being called children of God by Your grace and love. I believe You will see me THROUGH all of life’s experiences. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
1 John 3:1a