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“But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubborn inclinations of their evil heart. They went backward and not forward.” Jeremiah 7:24 (NIV)


Bill Wilson, a youthful, dedicated minister to thousands of children in the heart of New York City, often has been asked: “How long can you keep on doing what you do?” His answer: “I just go on. If you stand still or turn back, you die.” What DOES it take to “just go on” in life?

Read about four lepers at the point of despair, in II Kings 7:3-9 (NIV), who learned the value of FORWARD MOTION. Their progress to divine intervention illustrates five points:

1) MOTION – “Why stay here until we die?” they declared. Get into motion. . . do something. God cannot steer a parked car!

2) DIRECTION – Allow God to give you direction. Be led forward by His Word and by your spiritual eyes.

3) URGENCY – The lepers said, “Let’s go at once “Without a sense of urgency, apathy and procrastination sets in. Do it NOW!

4) CAMARADERIE – The lepers stayed together. Do not try to go it alone! Proverbs 17:1 7b says, “. . . a brother is born for adversity,” meaning that adversity makes brotherhood even more necessary.

5) DIVINE INTERVENTION – The lepers got their miracle. So can YOU! Anticipate it! Proclaim it!

PRAY: “O thou Great Deliverer, I am hanging on and going on with expectations of Your intervention in my life. Amen.”