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 “Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.” Hosea 10:12

While people conformed to this “world” are making New Year’s resolutions, spiritually transformed people are reaffirming their covenants with God to seek Him with all their hearts. This “seeking” brings REVIVAL, as it did the children of Israel in II Chronicles 15:12-15.

Hosea the prophet exhorts you to “…break up your fallow ground…” “Fallow ground” is that ground which has been plowed but never planted, which soon becomes crusted over and hardened until it must be broken up again before seed can be planted.

That re-cultivation process is REVIVAL…a renewal, rebirth, or restoration of your heart’s desire to seek God!

REVIVAL is birthed in you through the chambers of PRAYER, and it is released on the wings of PRAISE.

PRAY: “Father, I desire to put my ‘fallow ground’ back into use, ready to receive the seeds of faith and fulfill Your purpose for my life this year. Help me to catch renewed vision through prayer and praise as I seek to know you and the power of Your Holy Spirit. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”