Sunday, November 12, 2023
Sermon: Pastor Michael Gullatte (sounds like Gull–lat) Sermon Title: Fourth Quarter
· Hebrews 11:32-40 NLT It would take too long to recount the stories of the faith of Gideon,
Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and all the prophets. 33 By faith these people
overthrew kingdoms, ruled with justice, and received what God had promised them. …shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the flames of fire, … escaped death by the edge of the sword. Their weakness was turned to strength. They became strong in battle and put whole armies to flight. 35 Women received their loved ones back again from death.
But others were tortured, refusing to turn from God in order to be set free. They placed their hope in a better life after the resurrection. 36 Some were jeered at, and their backs were cut open with whips. Others were chained in prisons. 37 Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword. Some went about wearing skins of sheep and goats, destitute and oppressed and mistreated. 38 They were too good for this world, wandering over deserts and mountains, hiding in caves and holes in the ground. 39
All these people earned a good reputation because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. 40 For God had something better in mind for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us.
· …all these pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! Hebrews 12:1 Message Bible
· Luke 7:6-9,8 (NLT) “The Faith of a Centurion, a Commander of a Company of Infantry.”
6 So Jesus went with them. But just before they arrived at the house, the officer sent some friends to say, “Lord, don’t trouble yourself by coming to my home, for I am not worthy of such an honor. 7 I am not even worthy to come and meet you. Just say the word from where you are, and my servant will be healed. 8 For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” 9 When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”
· 8 For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me…
· “Tiberius Caesar Augustus?”
Practiced Delation: Roman Law Informers (Snitches), No police force or public prosecutors. Force,
violence, and savage repression (barbaric, untamed). Exiled the entire Jewish community on the pretext that 4 Jews conspired to steal a woman’s treasure.
· “The Centurion Soldier knew how to use a GREATER NAME than his own.”
· 8 For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, in the name of (Tiberius Caesar Augustus) ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
· 9 …“I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”
· 41 Now as He drew near, He saw the city (Jerusalem) and wept over it, 42 saying, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. Luke 19:41 NKJV
· …the things that make for peace (for freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as the result of sin and upon which your peace—your security, safety, prosperity, and happiness— depends)! Luke 19:41 AMPC
· 23 At that time, you won’t need to ask me for anything. I tell you the truth: you will ask the Father directly, and He will grant your request because you use my name. John 16:23 NLT
· 13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. John 14:13 NKJV
· “I have also been placed under authority, having situations and circumstances under me. And I say to my situations & circumstances, in the name of (Jesus Christ) ‘Go,’ and it goes; and to favor, ‘Come,’ and it comes; and to my faith, ‘Do what I command you to do,’ and it does it!”
· For with God, nothing is ever impossible, and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment! Luke 1:37 AMPC
· 5784 – The Year of The Open Door! 40 (means Recovery) A time of Rejoicing, Deliverance, Supernatural Breakthroughs, Miracles, Signs and Wonders, Freedom, New Beginnings, More Favor, & Double Portions of Anointing!
· Today is your 40th! Job 22:28 AMPC 28 You shall also decide and decree a thing, and it shall be established for you, and the light [of God’s favor] shall shine upon your ways.
· Golden Word Nugget: “Whatever you can tolerate, you will never be able to change.”
· 40 And you shall take for yourselves on the first day the fruit of beautiful trees, branches of palm trees, the boughs of leafy trees, and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before the Lord
your God for seven days. Leviticus 23:40
· The book of Exodus means to exit to a better place. The book has 40 chapters.
The 40th chapter and last verse reads, “Throughout all their journeys the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle, The Shekinah Glory, God’s visible presence by day, and the fire was in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel.”
· The Prophet Elijah, fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. “You’re not alone.”
· Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness being tempted by the enemy. On day 40 the devil left Him.
· Goliath taunted Israel for 40 days. The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights, then the Lord said, “Enough!” The rain ceased, and the earth began its recovery on the 40th day.
· Your 40 “Enough Day!” is Here!!!