“And say to Archippus, ‘Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.’” Colossians 4:17
The Apostle Paul was exhorting Archippus in this letter, but his exhortation should be well-taken by every believer because everyone has been given a ministry to perform in God’s kingdom.
There are three clear objectives on which each believer/minister should focus:
1) Ministry to the LORD. Give yourself in WORSHIP to God in the sanctuary, at home, and wherever…not just as an activity but as the key to releasing God’s POWER! Inspirational messages and music are designed to maximize your potential and bring you into step with God’s plan for your life.
2) Ministry to the BODY. Give yourself in FELLOWSHIP with one another…not in a shallow, superficial, “back-slapping” way, but in true koinonia, sharing your life openly and honestly with other believers.
3) Ministry to the WORLD. Give yourself to EVANGELISM…not as an obligation but as a natural outgrowth of your personal revelation and desire to please God.
PRAY: “Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done in earth as in heaven. Clarify my part in ministry today. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”