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“Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.” Colossians 3:21

A father wears three hats—that is, he has three separate functions in three relationships. It is a tough job description to live up to, and it takes a lifetime to master.

1) As “Daddy,” he has a parental relationship with his children. He is to TEACH his children by example in the way they should go. (See Proverbs 22:6.)

2) As “Husband,” he has a relationship with his wife and is to LOVE her as his helpmate. According to I Peter 3:7, he is to give honor to his wife, as the weaker vessel, “and as being heirs together of the grace of life,” so that his prayers will not be hindered.

3) As “Priest,” he has a relationship with God and gives spiritual leadership to the home. His spiritual responsibility is to OBEY God as his Father. As he operates in this role, he performs a valuable function in the home, and his wife and children respect him.

If you are a child, honor your father by listening to his advice and obeying his house rules. If you are a wife, submit to your husband as you would submit to God, and pray for him. If you are a father and you feel you have not worn all these hats effectively, talk to your FATHER about it!

“Heavenly Father, order my steps today as I seek after Your perfect way. Uphold me with Your strong hand and keep me from all the powers of evil. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”