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“When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled”  John 11:33

Webster’s definition of “compassion” is: “A sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.  It is ACTIVE and demands some sort of action.

Sympathy,” on the other hand, means: “A feeling or emotion one feels through sensitivity to or identification with others.”  It is PASSIVE, and requires little effort.

Jesus was moved with COMPASSION often when He:

  1. Saw the multitude sick and HEALED them. (Matthew 14:14)
  2. Saw the multitude hungry and FED them. (Matthew 15:32)
  3. Saw the blind men and gave them SIGHT. (Matthew 20:34)
  4. Saw the leper and TOUCHED him. (Mark 1:41)
  5. Saw the multitude as sheep without a shepherd and TAUGHT them. (Mark 6:34)
  6. Saw the demonized and CAST OUT evil spirits. (Mark 9:22)

You can have the COMPASSION OF CHRIST!  His Spirit lives in you. Yield to Him fully. Be filled with His Spirit to overflowing, and let that overflow touch others.

“Father God,  make me a vessel of honor in Your kingdom. Fill me with Your Spirit, and let me show the COMPASSION OF CHRIST today, Amen.”