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“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”  Ezekiel 22:30

God is looking for intercessors to “stand in the gap.”  When someone’s name or face is impressed upon your heart in prayer, God is appointing YOU to the spiritual battle of intercession.

Never underestimate the importance of PRAYER. Prayer is where the ACTION is. It may appear that our battle is with the Amalekites on the field of combat, but the real action is happening in higher places. In Exodus 17:9-11, Moses stood at the top of the hill with the rod of God above his head while Aaron and Hur stood on either side, holding up his weary arms. In a spiritual sense, they were up there PRAYING; and, as long as the authority of God was lifted up, the battle was being won.

Maybe you are not necessarily “out doing” but, rather, “home praying” and standing in the gap through intercession, keeping the rod of authority lifted up by prayer. If so, remember: YOU ARE ON THE WINNING SIDE! Pray in faith, believing your prayer of agreement to produce miraculous results!

PRAY: “Mighty God, I lift up my hands and give You praise. I lift up my nation and ask You to protect it, revive it, and guide its leaders.  In Jesus’ Name, I stand in the gap. Amen.”