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“Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” Psalm 29:2

MUSIC is a powerful tool to bring you into WORSHIP! There are many excellent singers and musicians in churches today who lead song services or who have recorded on tapes to be replayed in your home or car. However, did you know that not all MUSIC is WORSHIP? So what is the difference?

WORSHIP means “giving to God that which is His due,” as the above scripture implies. WORSHIP is not contingent upon the tempo, pitch, key, or style of the songs you sing…it is contingent upon you. You WORSHIP God in your singing when you direct your love and attention toward HIM!

WORSHIP demands God-consciousness, not self-consciousness. “So forget about yourselves and concentrate on Him and worship Him…” are the words of one chorus. You can actually become an “instrument of worship” to God…which is exactly the reason for which you were created.

Channel your singing and praise to God today by exalting His Name and giving Him all the glory. Go further than MUSIC and get into WORSHIP. Become a true WORSHIPPER!

PRAY: “El-Shaddai, holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth and everything therein, I bow my knees before You today in adoration. Amen.”