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“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another….”     I John 1:7a

The word “fellowship” in the Greek language is “koinonia,” and one of its meanings is the word “sharing.” In this Scripture, you will have “fellowship” or “share” with other believers IF you walk in Christ’s light.  Hebrews 13:16 says, “But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” The same Greek word is translated “communicate” in this verse, and God calls it a “sacrifice.”

In other words, God is pleased when you are in “fellowship” with other believers and taking a genuine interest in them. It can take place around a picnic table. It can take place as you linger after a church service. It can happen as you perform a task for someone who is unable to perform the task himself. It can happen when you take time to just sit down and visit.

The point is: “Fellowship” does not just transpire by itself. Sharing your life openly and honestly in true koinonia involves the giving of your time and some self-sacrifice as you look for the opportunities.

PRAY: “Father, I am happy You made the decision to have ‘fellowship’ with me through Your Spirit. I can do no less with Your other children. Help me to share with someone today. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”