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"And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."   Matthew 2:11

Isn’t it amazing that, at the very sight of the Christ Child, these wise and learned men who had traveled so far fell down before Him in an open act of worship? Their hearts had been PREPARED for the wonderful event. They had been studying the skies and the holy writings for some time, as learned men of that day did.

Traditionally, on Christmas cards you see depicted three finely dressed kings bearing their gifts for the Christ Child. In contrast to the lowly shepherds, it is nice to see that men of privileged rank were drawn to Christ as well; but this was more than coincidental…it was necessary to satisfy the customs of the day that demanded that a kingly child, destined to rule, receive gifts from neighboring kings. In later years, this visit of the magi would become yet another piece of evidence to confirm the birth of the Messiah.

Sovereignly, God used the gifts of the magi…GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, and MYRRH…to assure His Son’s kingly entrance into the world. God specializes in using the NATURAL to create SUPERNATURAL. You may feel little and insignificant, but always remember: Your Daddy is a God of miracles and the supernatural! Trust Him to make a way for YOU!

PRAY: “Your ways are so much greater than mine. Help me to see Your Divine purpose in all things. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”