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“And the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry ground, until all the people were passed clean over Jordan.” Joshua 3:17

NOW is the time to use your resources, time, and talents for the kingdom of God. Look at more keys to help you in crossing the Jordan into God’s wonderful promises. (Continued from yesterday!)

5)  REWARDS FOLLOW REQUIREMENTS. In Joshua 3:5, the people were told to “sanctify” themselves. God wants clean vessels. Do what YOU know to do (REPENT), and God will do MIRACLES.

6)  GOD’S WORD: A COMMAND, NOT A REQUEST. Read Joshua 3:3,8. You are in battle. …this is war. Receive God’s Word and obey it.

7)  STAND STILL UNTIL GOD SAYS TO MOVE. (See Joshua 3:8.) Satan capitalizes on your impatience and restlessness. Be ever learning patient obedience.

8)  MEET GOD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE JORDAN. (See Joshua 3:11.) God placed the Jordan between the wilderness and the Promised Land. You will recognize His sovereignty in the middle of your battle.

Today is the day for you to take that step into the Jordan and watch God part the waters to provide a path of promise on dry ground.

PRAY: “Precious Father, how much You care about what happens to me! You do not want me to get my feet wet in the swirling floodwaters of my Jordan, even. Thank You! Amen.”