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“And Joshua said unto the people, sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” Joshua 3:5

The Jordan River represents anything that stands between you and God’s promises…anything between your problems and His answers. Examine some keys to help you cross the Jordans in your life:

1)  YOU WILL POSSESS WHAT YOU CONFESS.  The spies’ report of the first trip into the Promised Land was faithless and evil. (See Numbers 13:32.) Now they faced the same giants, the same walls, the same insurmountable circumstances, but this time their confession was correct. (See Joshua 2:24.)

2)  YIELD TO GOD’S TIMING. It is perfect and unhurried. The Israelites were at the water’s edge for three days. (See Joshua 3:2.) Your wilderness experience will last as long as it takes YOU (not the circumstances) to change.

3)  LOCK IN ON JESUS. Follow His manifested presence. The ark (Spirit) is now positioned for everyone to see and follow for himself. (See Joshua 3:3.)

4)  GOD’S WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS. “…for ye have not passed this way heretofore.” (Joshua 3:4b) Do not look for a man-made bridge or to rebuild Noah’s ark. God has a NEW WAY to bring deliverance!

PRAY: “Father, I will accept new methods and things you want to do in my life today. Thank You for making a way through the wilderness.* Amen.”

*Isaiah 43:19 (paraphrased)