“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” I Peter 2:9
There is a new flow of the Spirit and presence of God in the earth today as people PRAISE more. Singing and praising God helps you get past yourself and into God. God is SPIRIT and, to worship Him or dialogue with Him, you must become SPIRITUALLY-minded. Corporate singing and praising is a beautiful way to help each other reach the throne of God.
You are part of:
1) A CHOSEN GENERATION…chosen by God to fulfill His plan on the earth;
2) A ROYAL PRIESTHOOD…kings and priests for ministry unto the Lord;
3) A HOLY NATION…adopted into God’s special nation where He is Lord;
4) A PECULIAR PEOPLE…a people purchased by God for a special purpose.
Why are you part of all these things? “…that ye should shew forth the praises of [God]…”
When you acknowledge God in anything you do, you bring Him praise; e.g., thanking Him for each new day and for each meal, showing godliness to people at your job, obeying God’s Word.
PRAY: “Most Holy Father, all glory, honor, and praise is due Your Name. I thank You that I am chosen, spiritually-minded, and created to praise. I will PRAISE You today. Amen.”