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“. . . (love) keeps no record of wrongs.” I Corinthians 13:5 (NIV)

Godly love forgives and forgets. Sometimes it is easy to overlook an offense on the outside while harboring a grudge on the inside. You may find yourself “keeping score,” and harbor that offense as a debt owed.

If any person was repeatedly wronged and yet did not keep score, it was David. After King Saul made numerous attempts on David’s life, David still revered him as “the Lord’s anointed,” even after his death. (II Samuel 1:16)

God forgives and forgets. “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:12) God has “covered” your transgressions through the shed blood of Christ’s atonement. You must cover the offenses of others through your forgiveness. Proverbs 17:9a says, “He that covereth a transgression seeketh love.”

The next time you find yourself wanting to hold a grudge, remember that you are thinking evil of one of God’s children.. . one of “the Lord’s anointed.” Take the high road, like David, and let it go. God’s Word says that you are forgiven by God in the same manner in which you forgive others. (See Mark 11:25.)

“Father, who can fathom the depths of Your love for mankind?* Help me to walk in Your forgiveness.  Cleanse my mind of any offenses that I may be harboring.”

*Ephesians 3:18 (NIV) (paraphrased)