“… (Love) always perseveres. Love never fails… I Corinthians 13:7-8a (NIV)
Love is endearing and it is enduring. That persevering quality seems rough sometimes, but it does have its rewards!
James 1:2-3 (NASV) says, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces ENDURANCE. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be PERFECT and COMPLETE, lacking in nothing.” (Emphasis supplied.) It is interesting how the promise of “perfection”. . . lacking in nothing,” is on the road of endurance.
“In-it-for-the-long-haul” love never fails. That is how our love for others should be. Love never gives up. Even when your mate squeezes the toothpaste in the middle… love never gives up! (smile)
The exercise of endurance and perseverance is not passive . . . it involves INTERCESSION. Prayer and intercession during the endurance process will keep your heart pure and will open the door to the supernatural… then anything can happen! Intercede in prayer for that person that has wronged you. Talk to God about your situation as you would talk to a loving father. “Hang in there!” God will not let you down!
“God, You have never given up on me. Your love and mercy is unfailing. Cause me to see through Your eyes of love and walk through the valley of endurance. Amen.”