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“Love is patient . . .“  I Corinthians 13:4 (NIV)

Patience is a difficult virtue, because it requires more TIME and “I want everything NOW!” America is a time- conscious society of “short-order” everything, where “time is money” and you are taught to RUSH, RUSH, RUSH. However, God does not have a clock on the wall, and He is not in a hurry.

Patient love is exercised when you endure an offense you have received, rather than retaliate. Patience WAITS and PRAYS, allowing God to work in the matter. This process of inner suffering builds true godly character… “Love suffereth long.”

James 1:4 says, “Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” Patient love brings perfection.

An excellent biblical example of love’s demonstration of patience is recorded in Genesis 29:16-30 where Jacob waited for Rachel. Through his disappointments, he suffered long, bore all things, believed, hoped, and endured all things.

Always remember: God is infinitely patient with YOU. He sees your life in its entirety and does not push you to “become.” He just waits. As you demonstrate similar patience with others, you ARE “becoming” what God desires. Godly love is patient.

“Loving Father, thank You for Your patience with me as I learn to be an obedient child.  Help me to grow in patience toward others, with a willingness to endure.”