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“But l am the Lord thy God, that divided the sea, whose waves roared: The Lord of hosts is his name.” Isaiah 51:15

Christian  Retreat is located on the beautiful Manatee River which flows west into the Gulf of Mexico. There you can walk sandy beaches and listen to the pounding surf. The retreat grounds are framed and shaded by stately oaks and palms. The skies are almost always blue, and at night the stars are breathtaking.

These wondrous sights bring praise to their Creator. In fact, if people do not praise Him, the Bible says the very “stones would immediately cry out.” (Luke 19:40) Both Psalm 98 and Psalm 148 exhort all creatures and creation to praise the Lord.

Other Scriptures indicate how creation “speaks”:

Rivers clap hands, and mountains sing – Psalm 98:8 (NIV)

Earth trembles, and mountains smoke – Psalm 104:32 (NIV)

Trees sing – Psalm 96:12 and I Chronicles 16:33 (NIV)

Seas roar – I Chronicles 16:32 and Psalm 96:11; 98:7

Clouds are His chariot, and wind has wings – Psalm 104:3

Heavens declare God’s glory – Psalm 19:1 So the next time you are walking barefoot on a sandy beach, stop to “hear” God speaking through the waves.

“Oh Lord, Your ‘name alone is excellent’; and Your ‘glory is above the earth and heaven.* I see Your handiwork all around and am overwhelmed. Thank You! Amen.”

*Psalm 148:13