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“O Lord, my God, “Great is Thy Name, and greatly to be praised.”

“YOU sit high upon the throne of my heart and reign in righteousness on behalf of Your people.”

“Your ways are perfect, and Your wisdom is above that of all the earth.”

“In YOU will I put my trust all the days of my life.”

“Teach me to know Your ways and to walk humbly before YOU, O Lord.”

“Create in me a clean heart and a right spirit that my fellowship with YOU may be unhindered.”

“Thank YOU for Your Word that brings light to my path and instruction in godliness.”

“YOU are my God, my Father, my Redeemer, and my Friend.”

“I hunger and thirst for a daily, fresh infilling of Your Spirit, 0 Lord, that I may know YOU; that I may please YOU; that my life may be a testimony of Your indwelling, life-changing POWER upon the weakness of man.”

“Because my hope is in YOU, I will rejoice and be glad, for I know that YOU do all things well.”

“All blessing and honor and glory be to YOU, God of my salvation!” “In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.”