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“Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.”  Proverbs 25:28 (NIV)

How are your walls coming? Have you done some repairing recently? As you grow in righteousness, you can see that the walls that guard your heart (temple) are being strengthened. Remember: People may not see your conduct IN the temple, but your “walls” are most visible.

Keep repairing the breaches in your walls. You do that by “diligently” seeking God and allowing Him to make needed changes in your heart. As Nehemiah experienced with the walls of Jerusalem, rebuilding is actually more difficult than building the first time. That is simply because there is so much “rubble” in the way. (See Nehemiah 4:10, NIV.)

As you continue to “diligently” seek God and are willing to change and grow, then you can proclaim the blessing of God from Isaiah 60:18: “Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.”

God is making something beautiful of your life. Be patient…He is not finished yet!

PRAY: “Father, I agree with the songwriter who said, ‘All I had to offer You was brokenness and strife, but You made something beautiful out of my life.’ I am thankful, Jesus, that You finished the work on the cross to rid me of ‘rubble,’ and that You are not finished with me yet. Amen.”